Category: Jet Basics – Replace Management Reporter

Jet Reports – Connecting the Data Source

Now that Jet Reports is installed, it’s time to connect to the Dynamics GP Data Source.
GP Data can be both on site (on premises) or in the cloud (Remote Data Service).
Below is a quick guide on how to connect to your data source!
Continue reading “Jet Reports – Connecting the Data Source”

Jet Reports – GP Update Utility

Jet Reports for Dynamics GP comes with a very good selection of sample reports.  These sample reports are an excellent resource – not only to see what Jet Basics does, but how the reports are built!

Many of those sample reports rely on something called ‘Friendly Names’.
Friendly names are names that properly describe the content of that SQL Table, or SQL View… they are, well, friendly 🙂  Rather than your typical naming convention for GP – like GL20000.

Not only are the sample reports built using these friendly names, but it makes it much easier to use.

Also Jet Reports comes with several useful SQL Views… both the friendly names and SQL Views get installed using the GP Update Utility.
Below is a quick guide on how to use the GP Update Utility – PRO TIP!  It’s ok to add this later but I 100% recommend doing this before getting started.

Continue reading “Jet Reports – GP Update Utility”

Jet Reports – How do I install it?

Jet Reports is easy to install.  Once you have the file downloaded (visit here) you are ready to install the add-in for Excel.

Financial Reporting for Dynamics GP… if you export it to Excel from Management Reporter, why not just START in Excel, right?

Here is how to install Jet Reports:

Continue reading “Jet Reports – How do I install it?”

Jet Reports – What is it and how do I get it?

Jet Reports is an Excel Add-in that can be used to easily create financial statements and other business intelligent reports.  It lives in excel and connects directly to your Dynamics GP database.  There is even a free version…  interested?  YES PLEASE!!
This quick write up walks through how to get the Jet Reports add-in and get it installed in your excel application.
Jet Reports works with versions of GP dating all the back to version 9… it also even works with Excel 2010!!  So, let’s take a look.
For the complete series listing on Jet Reports – Click here!
Continue reading “Jet Reports – What is it and how do I get it?”

GP #LifeHacks 200: Replace Management Reporter with Jet Reports

Some time ago Microsoft announced that Management Reporter was no longer going to get development support.  This meant that it was time to start exploring options to replace MR internally for financial reporting.  No rush, MR isn’t going away soon, but why not explore…

Here is a link with some information about this:

At the same time that the announcement occurred, Microsoft also announced a FREE solution to report our financials… FREE… plus it is EXCEL based.  WHAT?!?!?! Awesome, I know!!

Jet Express (Now called Jet Basics) is 100% FREE and does a great job of utilizing Excel and connecting directly to your GP data source for financial reporting… don’t let FREE push you away… it is a VERY powerful free tool and can replace Management Reporter.

Jet Basics is a great way to get started with financials in Excel.  Jet Reports takes it one step further… and it’s totally awesome!!!

In this series I will break down how to install Jet Reports and how to build out your first simple reports.
Continue reading “GP #LifeHacks 200: Replace Management Reporter with Jet Reports”